Copyright©2002-2022 by PDK Snares - All Rights Reserved
Website by Hawk Mountain

Cable Items - Drowners, Extensions, Anchors

A cable system can make or break your snare line. With PDK, all our cable items are of the best quality cable and materials; our Stingray anchors and Berkshire disposable stakes will be a staple for your trapline.

We also make custom cable items - please contact us for an estimate for your custom requirements.

Phone Orders
Accepted 6:00pm to 10:00pm daily

Email Orders
Email your order and call us with your credit card number.

• Drowners
Each PDK Drowner comes with a one-way slide lock and adjustable loop at both ends.
$11.95 - Dozen 6-foot Drowners
$13.95 - Dozen 8-foot Drowners
$17.95 - Dozen 12-foot Drowners
• Snare Extensions
Each PDK Extension has an adjustable loop at one end and a solid loop at the other.
$9.95 - Dozen 6-foot Extensions
$11.95 - Dozen 8-foot Extensions
$15.95 - Dozen 12-foot Extensions
• Double Stake Cable
Perfect for double staking your canine sets.
$4.95 - Dozen
Cable Stake
• Stingray Earth Anchors
One of the best disposable anchoring systems available. Comes with 18 inches of 3/32" cable.
$14.95 - Dozen
$6.00 - Dozen anchors (no cable)
$45.00 - 100 anchors (no cable)
Stingray Earth Anchor
• Stingray Anchor Driver
Solid driver, makes anchor installation easy.
$10.00 - 24-inch driver
• Berkshire Earth Anchors
A longtime favorite of disposable earth anchors.
Made with 18 inches of 3/32" cable.
$13.95 - Dozen
$4.75 - Dozen anchors (no cable)
$35.00 - 100 anchors (no cable)
Berkshire Earth Anchor
A 1/4" U-shaped base steps into the ground with welded 11 gauge support wire. Great for hard soils.

Raccoon Size:
$14.00 - Half dozen
$26.00 - Dozen

Coyote Size:
$16.00 - Half dozen
$30.00 - Dozen

PDK Step-in Retrievable Snare Supports

Cable Items

TO ORDER CALL:  740-587-7143
